Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Funding and Resources
Open Funding Opportunities
Funding to address substance use disorders (SUDs) and related issues. List may include programs with a primary purpose other than addressing SUDs.
Provides funding to expand clinical training at accredited addiction medicine fellowship (AMF) and addiction psychiatry fellowship (APF) programs. Seeks to increase the number of physicians and psychiatrists working in underserved, community-based settings that integrate primary care with mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) prevention and treatment services. Seeks to improve access to addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery services for patients in rural and underserved areas.
Provides funding to address immediate and short-term needs for substance use disorder (SUD) services in rural communities. Aims to establish or expand SUD prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery services, with the goal of reducing and preventing overdoses in rural areas.
Provides funding to support community-based partnerships and collaborations aimed at promoting access to healthcare for under-resourced and underserved children and their families in rural and underserved areas through the implementation and evaluation of new or enhanced evidence-informed, evidence-based community-based projects that deliver preventive clinical and public health services to the target population. Program focus areas include increasing behavioral health screenings and referrals for children.
Provides funding to increase the number of internships, field placements, and other experiential training opportunities for individuals working to become mental health workers, peer support specialists, and other behavioral health paraprofessionals. Promotes collaboration with community-based health partners to meet workforce demand in high need and high demand areas and expand access to quality behavioral health services, including services for the treatment of substance use disorder (SUD). Promotes interdisciplinary collaboration through team-based care and emphasizes training oriented toward the behavioral health needs of children, adolescents, and transitional-aged youth.
Supports the planning, development, operation, and participation in accredited postdoctoral training programs for general dentistry, pediatric dentistry, and dental public health. Seeks to improve health outcomes by providing low-income, underserved, underrepresented minority, rural, and other disadvantaged populations with increased access to oral health services.
Provides funding to accredited organizations to enhance primary care residency training programs in street medicine. Seeks to expand access to primary care and behavioral health services outside of traditional clinical settings to people experiencing homelessness by increasing the number of primary care physicians prepared to practice street medicine. Training programs located in rural areas are a priority.
Works to prepare and encourage physicians to practice healthcare in rural communities. Provides start-up funding for the planning and development of sustainable programs to train residents in rural residency programs in family medicine, internal medicine, preventive medicine, psychiatry, general surgery, and obstetrics and gynecology.
Offers grant funding to enhance behavioral health workforce capacity within the Northern Border Regional Commission's service area. Utilizes a network-based approach to provide training and job placement for behavioral health professionals in rural communities.
Offers grant funds to create new youth-focused, peer-driven behavioral healthcare support programs and provide career pathway opportunities in rural communities. Seeks to establish local networks to develop and implement behavioral health programming for rural youth.
Inactive Funding Opportunities
Many inactive programs are likely to be offered again. Grant deadlines are often short, and viewing inactive programs can give you a head start in applying next time.
Provides funding to support rural health outreach programs to strengthen the delivery of healthcare services to include new and enhanced services for rural and underserved populations. Promotes community engagement and collaboration through a consortium of providers to expand services using innovative, evidence-based models, with the goal of improving health outcomes and population health for rural areas.
Offers funding to increase the number of internships, field placements, and other experiential training opportunities for individuals working to become behavioral health professionals. Works with community-based health partners to meet workforce demand in high need and high demand areas with the goal of expanding access to quality behavioral health services, including services for the treatment of substance use disorders (SUDs). Supports interprofessional team-based care, integration of behavioral with primary care, and recruitment of diverse workforce. Special emphasis is placed on training focused on the behavioral health needs of children, adolescents, and young adults.
Funds primary healthcare and support services for low-income, uninsured, and underserved populations living with HIV in an outpatient setting in existing geographic service areas. Aims to improve health outcomes for people living with HIV by funding HIV testing, counseling, and diagnostic services; referrals to healthcare and support services, such as mental health and substance use treatment; strategies to treat and prevent immune system deterioration; and more.
Provides funding for loan repayment for students in their last year of pursuing a degree in allopathic medicine, osteopathic medicine, physician assistant studies, nursing, or dentistry in exchange for 3-year full-time service commitments providing primary care services in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) upon the completion of their residency.
Provides funding to establish new health centers that offer comprehensive primary healthcare services to underserved communities, including rural, migrant, and homeless populations and public housing residents. Aims to increase the number of individuals who receive primary healthcare services, including dental care and mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) services. Supports health centers operating on a permanent, full-time basis that address issues of healthcare accessibility and affordability in areas with shortages of health services and for underserved populations.
Offers grants to rural or rural-serving organizations to evaluate, develop, and expand technology-enabled collaborative learning and capacity building models, with the goal of improving workforce retention and increasing access to healthcare, especially specialty care, in rural, frontier, and tribal areas and other underserved communities. Aims to support healthcare providers through distance health education models focused on chronic diseases, infectious diseases, mental health, substance use disorders (SUDs), prenatal and maternal health, pediatric care, pain management, palliative care, and other specialty care.
Provides funding for loan repayment for pediatric medical subspecialty care, pediatric surgical specialty care, and child and adolescent behavioral healthcare providers in exchange for 3-year service obligations at approved sites in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs), Medically Underserved Areas (MUAs), and Medically Underserved Population (MUPs). Aims to increase pediatric workforce in underserved areas and expand access to care, including child and adolescent mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) prevention and treatment services.
Assists with the recruitment and retention of pediatric medical subspecialty care, pediatric surgical specialty care, and behavioral healthcare professionals serving Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and Medically Underserved Areas/Populations (MUAs/Ps). New and current clinical staff working in eligible disciplines at an approved facility are eligible to receive loan repayment assistance through the Pediatric Specialty Loan Repayment Program. Helps communities meet pediatric workforce needs and increases access to child and adolescent behavioral healthcare, including mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) prevention and treatment services.
Provides funding for loan repayment for substance use disorder (SUD) professionals in exchange for 6-year service obligations at STAR LRP-approved facilities located in Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) or in counties with high rates of drug overdose deaths. Helps recruit and retain qualified clinicians and paraprofessionals to provide direct SUD treatment or recovery support services in underserved areas and rural communities significantly impacted by substance use.
Assists communities with the recruitment and retention of qualified substance use disorder (SUD) professionals who provide direct treatment or recovery support at facilities located in Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) or in counties with a drug overdose death rate that is higher than the national average. New and current clinical staff working in eligible disciplines at a STAR LRP-approved facility are eligible to receive loan repayment assistance through the STAR Loan Repayment Program, which is open to a wider range of SUD clinicians and paraprofessionals compared to other HRSA loan repayment programs.
Provides funding for loan repayment for primary care, oral health, behavioral/mental health, and maternal health providers in exchange for 2-year service obligations at National Health Service Corps (NHSC)-approved sites in a Primary Care, Dental, and Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) in rural, urban, and underserved areas.
Provides funding for loan repayment for primary care and behavioral/mental health professionals in exchange for 3-year service obligations at National Health Service Corps (NHSC)-approved sites in Primary Care and Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) in rural communities. Seeks to increase the number of primary care and behavioral/mental health professionals providing opioid use disorder (OUD) and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and services to patients in rural areas.
Provides funding for loan repayment for substance use disorder (SUD) primary care and behavioral/mental health professionals in exchange for 3-year service obligations at National Health Service Corps (NHSC)-approved sites in Mental Health and/or Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) in rural and underserved areas.
Supports new and existing training programs for paraprofessionals in behavioral health fields in order to improve services for families whose parents are impacted by opioid use disorder (OUD) or other substance use disorders (SUD). Seeks to increase the number of paraprofessionals in behavioral health working in high-need and high-demand areas to reduce the risk of mental health disorders and SUD among children.
Supports efforts to improve access to integrated and coordinated treatment and recovery services for substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD), in rural areas to address the SUD/OUD crisis in rural areas and promote long-term, sustained recovery.
Addresses health professional shortages by offering scholarships to eligible nursing students in exchange for full-time service obligations at critical shortage facilities (CSFs) located in Primary Care or Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs).
Addresses primary care provider shortages by offering scholarships for students pursuing primary care health professions in exchange for full-time service obligations at National Health Service Corps (NHSC)-approved sites in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs).
Provides funding to integrate behavioral health services in primary care settings using telehealth technology through telehealth networks. Supports evidence-based projects in telehealth networks using telehealth technologies in rural and underserved areas to increase access to integrated behavioral health services in primary care settings and to improve the quality of healthcare information available to providers by evaluating the effectiveness of integrating telebehavioral health services into primary care settings.
Awards funding to establish clinical rotations for physician assistant (PA) students in rural areas. Supports the development of rotations of at least 3 months that integrate primary care and behavioral health services, with the goal of increasing the number of PAs who choose to practice in rural areas after graduation and are trained to prevent, identify, diagnose, treat, and refer services for behavioral health conditions, including the provision of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD). Offers financial assistance to trainees during rotations in a rural primary care setting.
Provides funding for loan repayment for registered nurses (RNs), advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), and nurse faculty in exchange for full-time service obligations at critical shortage facilities (CSFs) located in Mental Health or Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) or at a school of nursing. Addresses nursing shortages to meet the healthcare needs of underserved communities, including mental health, substance use disorder (SUD), and other behavioral health services.
Funds primary healthcare and support services in an outpatient setting for low-income, uninsured, and underserved populations living with HIV in new geographic service areas. Helps provide HIV testing, diagnostic services, referral to healthcare and support services, mental health and substance use disorder treatment, and other services to enable people with HIV to live healthy lives.
Funding to plan, develop, and operate a 12 month full-time, or 24 month half-time, training program for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, health service psychologists, counselors, nurses, and/or social workers focused on training practitioners to provide mental health and substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD), services. Seeks to expand the workforce trained to provide care for individuals in need of mental health and SUD/OUD prevention, treatment, and recovery services in an integrated primary care underserved community-based setting.
Funds demonstration projects in states to improve the quality of emergency medical services (EMS) for children. Seeks innovative models and methods to strengthen EMS systems. Seeks to improve health outcomes and attain equitable access to pediatric emergency care and everyday readiness for all children across the nation, especially for those children living in racial or ethnic minority, tribal, and rural communities.
Offers funding for predoctoral training programs in general, pediatric, or public health dentistry for dental, dental hygiene, and public health dentistry students. Aims to enhance trainees' ability to provide oral healthcare for populations and individuals with medically complex health conditions, special healthcare, and behavioral healthcare needs in vulnerable, underserved, or rural communities. Focuses on training that integrates oral health within primary care and promotes patient-centered approaches that address the impact of social determinants of health on oral health outcomes.
Funds for states to develop and implement programs to address the oral health workforce needs in Dental Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs), including those in rural communities. Supports new ideas, methods, and/or approaches to increase access to oral health services. Allows states to design programs to address opioid use disorder (OUD) by improving pain management practices, treatments, and recovery support services. Helps states become better prepared for future public health emergencies by evaluating and responding to the impact of COVID-19 on oral health workforce.
Expands and enhances existing 12-month nurse practitioner (NP) residency programs with the goal of increasing the number of new, qualified primary care or behavioral health NPs prepared to work in integrated, community-based settings, especially in rural or underserved areas.
Aims to increase the number of primary care physicians capable and willing to provide care to rural and/or underserved communities by funding accredited residency training program improvements in family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, or combined internal medicine and pediatrics. Works to reduce healthcare expenses, improve care quality, and increase access to healthcare by preparing and encouraging residency graduates to serve in rural and/or underserved areas.
Provides funding to strengthen experiential training for behavioral health paraprofessional students focused on prevention, treatment, and recovery services for substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD). Emphasizes training that addresses the specific challenges of children, adolescents, and transitional-age youth at risk for behavioral health disorders. Seeks to expand access to quality SUD/OUD treatment and services in high need, high demand areas by increasing the number of qualified behavioral health paraprofessionals working in community-based settings.
Funds to expand community-based training for the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD) and substance use disorder (SUD), especially among affected rural youth, for students pursuing advanced degrees in behavioral health.
Offers online training resources, technical assistance, capacity building support, and other services to help clinicians, clinics, and health systems provide high-quality HIV/AIDS care. Helps increase the number of healthcare professionals able and willing to offer effective counseling, diagnostic, treatment, mental health, and substance use services to people living with or at risk of contracting HIV.
Provides an overview of capital funding as it relates to supporting rural healthcare. Answers frequently asked questions on the topic, details successful rural model program examples, and links to additional resources and information for funding, events, and related organizations.
Provides technical assistance to rural healthcare providers in the Delta Regional Authority (DRA) service area in order to enhance healthcare delivery and improve health outcomes for residents in communities in the Delta region. Supports small rural hospitals, Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs), Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), and other healthcare organizations seeking to strengthen local healthcare systems by addressing gaps in service and improving quality to better meet community health needs.
Provides information, resources, and eligibility criteria to obtain free training to provide medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) for eligible clinicians working to address the opioid epidemic. Providers who complete the MOUD training may receive priority consideration when applying to the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Program or NHSC Rural Community Loan Repayment Program.
Provides information on multiple grants and programs to support the development and education of the health workforce to meet the needs of rural, underserved, and other vulnerable populations. Covers funding opportunities for workforce, including scholarship and loan repayment programs, in the areas of behavioral health, primary care, nursing, oral health, geriatrics, and public health.
Highlights several programs and opportunities the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is supporting to address the opioid crisis and resources on expanding access to healthcare services, connecting resources, sharing best practices, training, and more.
Provides an overview of human services in rural America. Answers frequently asked questions on the topic, details successful rural model program examples, and links to additional resources and information for funding, events, and related organizations.
Documents the challenges, successes, and lessons learned from the Rural Opioid Overdose Reversal Program (ROOR), a 2015 pilot grant program administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA) Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. Includes resources to support related projects and programs, with links to training, data strategies, and outreach tools.
Offers evidence-based, voluntary programs that provide families with regular, planned home visits from qualified health, social service, and child development professionals. Supports at-risk pregnant women and parents with children up to kindergarten entry with resources to raise physically, socially, and emotionally healthy children. Provides guidance on parenting and health topics, such as breastfeeding, safe sleep practices, injury prevention, nutrition, and childcare solutions. Seeks to improve maternal and child health, prevent child abuse and neglect, encourage positive parenting, and promote child development and school readiness.
Highlights evidence-based and promising models and related resources to implement, evaluate, and build sustainable mental health programs in rural communities. Provides an overview of mental health in rural areas, including barriers to treatment and different factors that impact mental health.
Provides healthcare providers with free and confidential consultation services and clinical resources on HIV/AIDS-related topics, such as testing, prevention, treatment, and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Includes online and phone-based advice from leading clinicians with expert knowledge on managing HIV/AIDS, perinatal HIV, hepatitis C, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), substance use, and exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
Offers free and confidential mental health support to mothers and families before, during, and after pregnancy. Provides immediate support, information, and resources for mothers with perinatal depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues from licensed and certified counselors, as well as referral to local providers if additional care or support is needed. Call or text 1-833-852-6262 to get help. Service is available in English and Spanish 24 hours a day, 7 a week.
Shares the results of a survey of practitioners affiliated with Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) grant sites throughout the U.S. to assess substance use disorder (SUD) stigma and treatment needs in rural areas. Includes various statistics on practitioner demographics, professional roles, work setting, medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), stigma, and other practitioner beliefs and barriers.
Shares national and state-level survey data on the health status of children in the U.S. Includes data on children ages 0-17 and examines factors related to the well-being and healthcare needs of children, including children accessing and using healthcare services, family relationships and health, school and after school activities, and neighborhood characteristics. Includes data on physical and mental health conditions, health insurance type and status, healthcare access and utilization, specialty care, nutrition, health activities, and more.
Provides tele-consultation, training, technical assistance, and care coordination using telehealth to help providers integrate behavioral healthcare services into pediatric primary care. Supports the use of telehealth and other technologies to improve the ability of providers to diagnose, treat, and refer children with mental health conditions. Seeks to increase access to treatment and referral services for children and adolescents with behavioral health conditions in rural and underserved areas.
Features a 6-part video series highlighting Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) grantees and their work to prevent and treat opioid use disorder (OUD) in their communities. RCORP is a multi-year initiative funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy.
Interactive map providing county-level data describing community-level factors to support individuals in recovery from substance use disorder (SUD). Allows users to create maps illustrating connections between overdose deaths, including opioid deaths, and selected demographic and economic factors.
Evaluates the technical assistance (TA) provided to grantees in FORHP's Rural Communities Opioids Response Program (RCORP) from March 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023. Provides reports, briefs, and data on various types of RCORP TA, such as site visits, learning collaboratives, peer-to-peer calls, office hours, and more. Offers feedback and lessons learned from RCORP grantees on strategies and approaches to help rural communities address opioid misuse and opioid use disorders (OUD).
Lists policy briefs, working papers, journal articles, and other publications on emergency medical services (EMS) and trauma in rural areas published by federally funded Rural Health Research Centers. Includes links to upcoming and archived webinars on the topic and other related research projects.
Lists policy briefs, working papers, journal articles, and other publications on mental and behavioral health in rural areas published by federally funded Rural Health Research Centers. Includes links to upcoming and archived webinars on the topic and other related research projects.
Lists policy briefs, working papers, journal articles, and other publications on substance use and treatment in rural areas published by federally funded Rural Health Research Centers. Includes links to upcoming and archived webinars on the topic and other related research projects.
Lists policy briefs, working papers, journal articles, and other publications on transportation in rural areas published by federally funded Rural Health Research Centers. Includes links to upcoming and archived webinars on the topic and other related research projects.
Summarizes research describing the prevalence of opioid use in rural communities. Includes statistics on the perceived need and use of treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD).
Summarizes research describing differences between rural and urban populations with opioid use disorder (OUD) including youth, young adults, and pregnant women. Includes statistics describing the impacts OUD has on both rural and urban emergency department visits.
Summarizes research describing the distribution of behavioral health professions in rural areas between 2014 and 2021, including social workers, psychologists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, counselors, and psychiatrists.
Provides literature reviews on rural health priorities identified in the Rural Healthy People 2030 survey. Includes chapters on the issues of addiction, rural substance misuse, mental health and mental disorders, chronic pain, and more. Seeks to inform rural policymakers, providers, advocates, and other stakeholders to promote the health of people living in rural communities.
Highlights evidence-based and promising models and related resources to develop, implement, evaluate, and build sustainable substance use disorder (SUD) prevention and treatment programs in rural communities.
Provides an overview of the opioid crisis in rural America and includes information and resources on initiatives and funding opportunities to address the crisis. Covers successful rural model program examples, events, and other tools for prevention, harm reduction, and treatment.
Provides a clearinghouse of information, best practices, tools, events, and research to support comprehensive approaches to prevention, treatment, recovery, and policy to address substance use disorder (SUD) in rural communities nationwide.
Highlights evidence-based and promising models and related resources to implement, evaluate, and build sustainable suicide prevention programs in rural communities.
Highlights evidence-based and promising models and related resources to implement, evaluate, and build sustainable transportation programs in rural communities. Provides an overview of transportation needs and barriers in rural areas.
Provides an overview of rural tribal health. Answers frequently asked questions on the topic, details successful rural model program examples, and links to additional resources and information for funding, events, and related organizations.
Offers services, education, resources, and other opportunities to help healthcare providers identify and address mental health concerns and substance use disorders (SUD) in women during and after pregnancy.
Provides an overview of the impacts of substance use and misuse on rural communities. Answers frequently asked questions on the topic, details successful rural model program examples, and links to additional resources and information for funding, events, and related organizations.
Provides an overview of the Title V Maternal Child Health Services Block Grant (MCHB) that works to support and improve the health and well-being of mothers, children, and families. Discusses the goals of Title V funding, who receives MCHB funds and services, how outcomes are measured, and other resources provided through the program.
Provides an overview of transportation in rural America as it relates to supporting access to rural healthcare and related services. Answers frequently asked questions on the topic, details successful rural model program examples, and includes links to additional resources and information for funding, events, and related organizations.
Offers technical assistance and information resources to help rural communities identify and implement evidence-based practices to prevent substance use and reduce negative outcomes related to substance use disorder (SUD), including efforts to address stigma.
Supports capacity building efforts for the prevention and treatment of substance use disorder (SUD) in rural counties of Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire disproportionately affected by SUD. Utilizes innovative technology and telehealth strategies to identify real-time needs in communities, disseminate education and resources on evidence-based approaches, and provide ongoing training and technical assistance to providers in order to more effectively address the needs of individuals and special populations with SUD and related issues.
Provides an overview of violence and abuse in rural America. Answers frequently asked questions on the topic, details successful rural model program examples, and links to additional resources and information for funding, events, and related organizations.