Title IV, Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) Program




Applications accepted on an ongoing basis


Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (OSSS)


Makes grants to state educational agencies (SEAs), which award competitive sub-grants to local educational agencies (LEAs) in their respective states. SSAE grants are focused on 3 areas of improvement:

  • Providing a well-rounded education to all students
  • Improving school conditions to aid in student learning, including the health and safety of students
  • Using technology to raise academic achievement and digital literacy

Funds may support programs and activities in the following areas:

  • Drug and violence prevention
  • Bullying and harassment prevention
  • Prevention and education programs for alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and e-cigarette
  • Professional development and training for school personnel and community members in early identification, intervention mentoring, recovery support, and rehabilitation referral as related to substance use and violence
  • School-based mental health services and partnerships with community mental health services
  • Suicide prevention
  • Chronic disease management
  • Nutrition and physical education programs
  • Trauma-informed classroom management, crisis management, and conflict resolution
  • Other activities to support student safety, physical and mental health

Amount of Funding

Award ceiling: Determined by individual states
Award floor: $10,000
Project period: 1 year
Estimated number of awards: 57
Estimated total program funding: $1,300,000,000

Who Can Apply

State educational agencies (SEAs) are eligible to apply.

Geographic Coverage


What This Program Funds

New Program • Operating Costs and Staffing

Application Process

Non-regulatory guidance and other information about the online application process are available on the program website.

SEAs may apply for the SSAE program by submitting an individual SSAE plan to the U.S. Department of Education, or by submitting a consolidated state application, covering multiple Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) programs, including SSAE.

LEAs or LEA consortia may apply directly to their state for SSAE funds. Contact with the appropriate program staff for more information about the application process for individual states.

ESSA Title IV, Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment technical assistance webinars

  • Overview of the Department of Education Non-Regulatory Guidance SSAE Grants webinar recording and slides
  • Role of State Educational Agencies webinar recording and slides
  • Allowable Activities webinar recording and slides
  • Changes to the Title IV, Part A, SSAE webinar recording and slides
  • Lessons Learned from OSHS' Review of Submitted Consolidated State Plans and Q&A on Subgranting FY 2017 SSAE Funds to LEAs webinar recording and slides


For programmatic or technical questions:
Hamed Negron-Perez

Topics This Program Addresses

Health and Wellness • Mental Health • Prevention • Schools • Substance Use Disorder • Suicide and Suicide Prevention • Violence, Trauma, and Abuse