Strategic Economic and Community Development


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Fact Sheet


Applications accepted on an ongoing basis


USDA Rural Development (USDA RD)


Provides financial assistance to strengthen regional economic development plans in rural areas by giving priority to multi-jurisdictional projects funded through USDA Rural Development programs. Projects are designed to build community prosperity by using community assets, identifying resources, convening partners, and leveraging federal, state, local or private funding.

Eligible USDA Rural Development programs include:

Amount of Funding

Applicants are awarded through the eligible USDA RD program that they apply under. Each fiscal year, USDA will set aside up to 10% of the total funds from each participating program to make awards under this provision.

Who Can Apply

Eligible applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be eligible for 1 of the covered USDA Rural Development programs:
    • Community Facilities Direct Loans and Grants
    • Community Facilities Guaranteed Loan Program
    • Water and Waste Disposal Loans and Grants
    • Water and Waste Disposal Loan Guarantees
    • Rural Business Development Grants
  • Be carried out in a rural area
  • Support a multi-jurisdictional, multi-sectoral strategic economic community investment plan

Consideration for funding will be based on 2 factors:

  1. How well a project supports a multi-jurisdictional plan
  2. How well the plan demonstrates evidence of the following criteria:
    • Collaboration among multiple stakeholders
    • Leveraging of applicable regional resources
    • Leveraging monetary and non-monetary investments from government entities and philanthropic organizations
    • Clear objectives with measurable performance metrics and action steps for implementation

Geographic Coverage


What This Program Funds

Capacity Building

Application Process

Eligible applicants must apply through their local USDA Rural Development state office.

Applicants seeking funding through a USDA Rural Development loan guarantee program may submit forms under the OneRD Guarantee Loan Initiative application guidelines.

Application instructions, requirements, and other information can be found in the Federal Register. Applicants are encouraged to have their strategic community development plan reviewed by their state office prior to submitting a formal application.

Applicant webinar
Application form
Applicant checklist


Greg Batson

For additional information, contact the appropriate USDA Rural Development state office.

Topics This Program Addresses

Community Planning and Coalition Building • Economic Development