This funding record is inactive. Please see the program website or contact the program sponsor to determine if this program is currently accepting applications or will open again in the future.

Full-Service Community Schools (FSCS) Program


Additional Links

Notice of Funding Opportunity (
Program Overview


Letter of Intent (Optional): Jul 7, 2023
Application Deadline: Aug 8, 2023


Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE)


Facilitates the coordination of academic, social, and health services to support elementary and secondary-education students and their families in areas that can impact education and foster academic achievement, including mental health services and primary healthcare. Develops partnerships between public, charter, or private schools, and community-based organizations, nonprofits, and other organizations with a stake in quality education. Gives priority to rural and low-income school districts.

Proposals must include strategies to address at least 3 of the following pipeline services:

  • High-quality early childhood education programs
  • High-quality school and out-of-school-time programs and strategies
  • Support for a child's transition to elementary school, from elementary school to middle school, from middle school to high school, and from high school into and through postsecondary education and into the workforce, including any comprehensive readiness assessment determined necessary
  • Family and community engagement and supports, which may include engaging or supporting families at school or at home
  • Activities that support postsecondary and workforce readiness, which may include job training, internship opportunities, and career counseling
  • Community-based support for students who have attended the schools in the area served by the pipeline, or students who are members of the community, facilitating their continued connection to the community and success in postsecondary education and the workforce
  • Social, health, nutrition, and mental health services and supports
  • Juvenile crime prevention and rehabilitation programs

Amount of Funding

Maximum award amounts under each absolute priority funding category are as follows:

  • $500,000 per year for Absolute Priority 3 - Capacity Building and Development Grants
  • $3,000,000 per year for Absolute Priority 4 - Multi-Local Educational Agency Grants
  • $10,000,000 per year for Absolute Priority 5 - FSCS State Scaling Grants

Project period: Up to 5 years
Estimated number of awards: 45
Estimated total program funding: $74,000,000

Applicants must provide matching funds for a portion of the project.

Who Can Apply

Applicants must be a consortium of 1 or more local education agencies (LEAs), or the Bureau of Indian Education and 1 or more community-based organizations, nonprofit organizations, or other public or private entities.

To receive a rural priority consideration, applicants must serve at least 2 or more full-service community schools eligible for a schoolwide program under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as part of a community- or district-wide strategy, and include an LEA that is currently eligible under the Small, Rural School Achievement Program (SRSA) or the Rural and Low-Income School Program (RLIS) initiatives of the U.S. Department of Education Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP).

Geographic Coverage


What This Program Funds

New Program • Operating Costs and Staffing

Application Process

Application instructions and other information about the online application process are available on the program website.

Letter of intent (LOI) requested but not required. Submit the online LOI form by July 7, 2023.

Applicant frequently asked questions


For programmatic or technical questions:
Jane Hodgdon

Rural Awards

Past awards communities received are described on the program website.

Rural FSCS projects that received funding in fiscal year 2023 include:

Topics This Program Addresses

Education and Training • Schools • Social Services